This milestone is part of ITV’s undertaking to ensure that all programmes produced by ITV Studios, ITV regional news and ITV Sport are albert certified, awarded for reducing the environmental impact of the production. In addition, ITV is the first broadcaster to commit to albert certification for all programmes commissioned for ITV’s channels, to be achieved by end 2021.
— Clare Phillips - ITV Director of Social Purpose“The next 10 years are key in averting irreversible and catastrophic climate change. It’s why we have aligned ITV’s 2030 environmental targets to the reductions that science is telling us we need to do.
I’m proud of the work we’ve done so far, and look forward to the solutions we’ll find to continue to create programmes that have the biggest impact on the audience and the smallest impact on the planet.”
Joining ITV Creative, who were the first in-house creative agency to achieve albert certification in 2019, the latest change to the way regional news programmes are produced comes as ITV outlines its ambitious 2030 environmental targets.
The company pledges to reduce carbon emissions by 46% by 2030, in line with a 1.5 degree science based emissions scenario.
As part of ITV’s Social Purpose Strategy, today’s announcement illustrates how ITV intends to take action to improve the environmental impact of the areas most material to the business – its global carbon emissions, its waste, its supply chain, and culture.
ITV’s environmental ambition is to create the biggest shows with the smallest footprint. Taking action on ITV’s environmental targets in every business area is crucial to achieving these targets. As signatories to the Task force on Climate related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) ITV is embedding climate risk and opportunity into its global governance, risk management and strategy.
Using 2019 as a baseline, ITV’s environmental targets are outlined as follows:
Reduce scope 1 and 2 emissions by 46.2% by 2030
ITV aims to reduce scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions by 46.2% by 2030, scope 3 emissions by 28% by 2030, and power the business with 100% renewable energy by 2025. ITV’s emissions targets will be approved by the Science Based Targets Initiative, ITV will also join RE100, this year.
100% Sustainable Supply Chain by 2030
As part of its ambition towards running a 100% sustainable supply chain, 100% of ITV’s highest environmental risk suppliers will meet ITV’s best practice sustainability criteria by 2025, and by 2030 ITV will work with all other suppliers to reduce their environmental impact.
Zero Waste by 2030
Zero waste is defined as 90% of all UK waste reused and recycled by 2030. ITV has committed to an interim target of 75% reused and recycled by 2025, and eliminating single use plastic across operations, productions and supply chain by 2025.
Sustainable Culture by 2021
To embed a sustainable culture at ITV, ITV already announced earlier this year that all programmes produced by ITV will be albert certified, and is now committing to all programmes commissioned to be certified by 2021. All ITV colleagues will also complete climate crisis training by end 2021.
— Guy Phillips - Editor for ITV Regional News“We’re very proud to be declared Britain’s first sustainable regional news team. We all have a part to play in tackling climate change and achieving albert certification is an important step forward in the way we produce and broadcast our news bulletins, to ensure we grasp the opportunity to not only reduce the impact of our production, but truthfully communicate the climate agenda to our viewers too.